Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Well-Spun "Confession"

Here we have Rep. Kanjorski (D) of Pennsylvania. Some people are all in a twitter because he basically says here that the Democrat party leadership was blowing sunshine up their base's behinds with their claim that they would bring an end to the war (a claim which was actually made, despite Kanjorski's attempt to argue it was merely an impression left in the minds of fools). He basically says that they won by running on an anti-war platform.

That's crap.

Kanjorski is attempting to explain away the fact that the leftist anti-war Democrats have failed to keep their promise to end the war. But it's sort of clever how its done, because he maintains the false claim that Americans voted them in to stop the war.

But that had virtually nothing to do with why the Democrats got back in during the 2006 mid-terms. In dozens of cases they ran "Blue Dog" conservative DINOs ("Democrats In Name Only"). These were not the anti-war friends-of-Code-Pink-and-William-Ayers types who are actually running the party. The Dems basically got back into Congressional authority by running Democrats who out-Republicaned Republicans, which isn't all that difficult these days.

A similar case occurred during the most recent Mississippi gubernatorial race. Incumbent Republican Haley Barbour had a bit of a challenge because the Democrats were running a guy who was pretended to be such a quintessential Mississippi conservative that I found him frightening, and any liberal policy he espoused was so wrapped up in woodsy folkisms and Bible-thumping that most people hardly noticed what he was proposing. His commercials espoused few troubling parts (e.g. his HillaryCare-for-Mississippi sort of silliness was never mentioned), instead mostly discussing his religious convictions and making use of New-Testament-based class warfare rhetoric. (If I never hear the term "money-changers" again, I'll be happy.) All this with him standing on a stage missing its pulpit, as his hair was backlit with artificial halo for the camera's diffusion filter.

It was basically a TV and radio ministry . . . and that is most assuredly NOT what today's Democratic Party is or stands for. The party is led by San Francisco friend-of-Code-Pink Pelosi, Nevada's wacko dirty-dealing "the war is lost" "Mormon, what Mormon?" Reid, "YYYYEEEEAAAHHHHGGGRRGHGHG" Howard Dean, friend-of-American-terrorist-Ayers and "my minister preaches America-hate but that's okay" Barack Obama, and of course the lying and deceptive Clintons.

If you want the truth of today's Democratic Party, you need look no further than Socialist Maxine Waters.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I just have one question ...

... regarding this complete wanker. Is it wrong of me to be so happy that he has an English accent instead of an American one?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I find it entirely rude of the universe to smash a Katrina-esque hurricane into Burma (or "Myanmar" if you wish to listen to its evil overlords). The people already have to deal with a fascistic socialist military regime.