Wednesday, November 25, 2009

LGF Missives From the Deep

I'd mentioned LGF a few times of late, but I'll be damned if I didn't just go there and discover that he's dismissing ClimateGate as a non-issue. 

What happened to that guy?   Brain damage, maybe?   Fat paycheck from somewhere?  Simply getting annoyed with Beck and ending up considering him his "Other", so that all the sudden conservatism just couldn't be right on any topic?    Personal guilt over some unethical behavior producing self-destructive thoughts?

How does a seeming conservative seemingly lose his mind?    Where did Johnson go wrong?   It's so weird to consider LGF a liberal blog . . . but there it is.

Update:  Like many, I'm thinking Johnson was a "post-9/11 temporary conservative", but simply one with more staying power than other post 9/11 temporary conservatives.   It's noted on Wikipedia that he considered himself center-left before 9/11, and to the left he is finally returning.  

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